Grids and Patterns


    I guess this is another form of art I forgot to mention I enjoy doing as well. I feel as if cross stitching is a perfect example of the combination of grids and patterns. The perfect quote that I think represents this example the best is; "patterns follow some repetitive principle, whether dictated by a mechanical grid, a digital algorithm, or the physical rhythm of a crafts-person’s tool as it works along a surface" (187). Whenever I cross stitch I always think of it as filling in squares (on a grid) with x's. It is the cloth that represents the "mechanical grid". The stitching process is filling in this grid with the pattern of x's (or crosses) to create all sorts of shapes and designs. In general, sewing is prime example of using patterns to create larger images (simple lines are a commonly used pattern). It is cross stitching, however, that perfectly implies the use of grids as well.


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